Phung My Trung - Nguyen Thi Lien Thuong - ADMIN
If you have ever had the opportunity to explore the tropical rain forests in Vietnam to see the nocturnal animals, you will certainly be surprised when finding the giant flying mammal species, flying lemur Cynocephalus variegatus. In the dark of the forest night, flying lemur can fly from tree to tree without being fallen or tangled into vines and bushes growing interlacedly throughout the forest. This primate is the unique genus of the family distributing in tropical rain forests of Vietnam.
Flying lemur has completely different ecology, food and behavior to other species. They live in trees and almost never come to the ground. They have sharp claws to hold on firmly to the tree bark when searching for food. Whenever wanting to move from one tree to another tree, they spread the skin membranes like a kite and glide in the air. This lemur species’ flying ability is mostly from high to low position, so after each “flight” to one tree, it has to climb back to the top of that tree to continue flying to other tree. Moving on the dark night lacking of light but it can notice the landing spot on the forest trees sharply and accurately. Moreover, when flying it emits almost no noise and that makes its preys and enemies not possible to recognize it.
Flying lemur Cynocephalus variegatus pictures: Norman Lim |
Currently this species is included in the Vietnam Red Book and protected by law because they remain just a small number in some conservation areas or National Parks.
Large head, short rounded or obtuse angle ears. Eyes are large, red-brown or hazel. Skin membrane is from head to tip of tail. Females are lighter gray color turns brown and even reddish. The length of forelimbs and hind limbs are almost equal, with five fingers. Toes connected together by the skin membrane to claw.
Their food is forest tree fruits. About eight week pregnancy; one offspring per time. The mother lemur is pregnant again before the offspring weans. The weak new-born baby is raised primarily in the pocket formed by the tail skin membrane. The skin pocket is soft and warm; the young can live there until being independent. This species can be considered as the only "pouch" animal in Vietnam which can raise the young in the pouch similarly to the kangaroo in Australia.
Live in high mountain forests and lowlands. Nest in tree hollows at the height of 20 - 50m.
Flying lemur Cynocephalus variegatuspictures: Norman Lim |