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A single celledorganism that belongs to the kingdom Protista. Protists include two main groups: animal-like forms, often called protozoa, which catch and eat their prey; and plant-like forms, often called algae, which make their own food using sunlight energy.


Fungi make up one of the five kingdoms of the living world. A fungus is made up of one or more cells and often forms a mass of tiny threads. Unlike green plants, fungi cannot produce their own food by capturing the sun’s energy. Most fungi absorb food from dead or decaying materials. Some are parasites – they live and feed on living organisms.


Plants are organisms that make their own food by capturing and storing the sun’s energy. Most use the green pigment chlorophyll to carry out this process, called photosynthesis. Most plants spend their life in one place, attached to the ground by roots. To reproduce, some form dustlike spores, while others produce flowers and seeds.


Lớp động vật có xương sống bao gồm các lòai có bốn chi, có tổ chức cao nhất thân phủ lông, da có nhiều tuyến, trong đó có tuyến sữa, răng đã phân hóa thành răng cửa, răng nanh, răng hàm và ẩn trong lỗ xương hàm, tim bốn ngăn, hồng cầu không nhân, hệ thần kinh trung ương phát triển, xuất hiện vỏ xám của bán cầu não, nuôi con bằng sữa mẹ gồm khỏang 4000 lòai phân bố trên khắp thế giới.


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